A new map in the pool or a total failure - what awaits the Train map in CS2?
We've been waiting for the great return of the de_train map to Counter Strike 2 for so long... But is this the return CS2 fans have been waiting for? They have certainly become accustomed to Valve's laziness and lack of effort. In this case, we (also as fans) were probably waiting for a miracle and for the change to finally be carried out without any problems. We got a map, but it gives us an incredible headache. Enjoy? Play and turn a blind eye to mistakes? However, should we expect that Valve - a serious company - will commit to the task and repair everything that was given to us as a gift but is broken?
When the news broke that de_train was returning to Counter Strike 2, everyone tested the map and couldn't believe it. It's hard to believe that something that so many people and a serious company worked on can be screwed up so badly. Broken tracers, you can't hit the enemy when shooting near the wagons. The map is certainly not ready to return to the CS2 map pool now. And I guess these were the expectations of players - both those on the professional scene and those on the casual scene. The downward trend in de_vertigo maps played on HLTV when comparing 2023 and 2024 gives food for thought. Players are waiting for a change and whether it will be de_cache, de_cobble or a renewed de_train, it probably doesn't matter much. Vertigo needs to be removed from the pool due to recent changes.
We can safely say that the professional CS2 scene is stagnant in terms of map pool. Looking at the current TOP 5 teams in the HLTV ranking, the only teams that play the de_vertigo map are Team Spirit and MOUZ. But so what if, for example, Natus Vincere has not played a single game in the last 3 months, neither has FaZe Clan or G2 Esports. This map is the first to be shot, so a polished de_train can certainly be a lifesaver, a diversion, and perhaps a breakthrough for the best teams in the world in Counter Strike 2.